Exposure Analysis

Our ability at Evans, Pires & Leonard to look at an organization from a 360-degree angle, and analyze all of its exposures is key in delivering strategies that result in better protection and insurance pricing for our clients. In assessing your business operations, we’ll identify exposures to accidental loss and evaluate current procedures to pinpoint new and emerging loss exposures.

We’ll look at what type of risk management and insurance solutions you have in place to assess if you’re addressing each exposure properly to reduce and protect against them

We’ll review your loss control and safety programs, in addition to conducting a complete coverage analysis, to determine whether you’re under or over insured, or if it’s best to self-insure in some areas.
You’ll receive recommendations for improvement in key areas: safety; loss control; employee training and communication; coverage type, amounts and deductibles; claims reporting; and much more.

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    We’ll identify and help reduce your operational exposures.

    With Evans, Pires & Leonard, you’re not a policy to us. We create a relationship with our customers through earned trust, integrity, experience, and knowledge. Give us a call at 860.289.6816 or email us, or if you prefer fill out and return the convenient form on this page. One of our professionals will contact you to discuss your insurance needs and our alternative solutions in helping to protect you. Since 1967, we have been serving the communities from Tolland to Glastonbury to Portland and Old Saybrook.